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Dexamethasone is a solution prescribed to help reduce inflammation found in the eye, including pinkeye. This easy-to-use medication helps to provide relief by reducing burning and redness. Plus, Dexamethasone comes with a convenient eye dropper for accurate dosing.
Dexamethasone Sodium Phosphate Ophthalmic Solution is an anti-inflammatory corticosteroid.
For the treatment of the following conditions:
Ophthalmic: Steroid responsive inflammatory conditions of the palpebral and bulbar conjunctiva, cornea,and anterior segment of the globe, such as allergic conjunctivitis, acne rosacea, superficial punctatekeratitis, herpes zoster keratitis, iritis, cyclitis, selected infective conjunctivitis when the inherenthazard of steroid use is accepted to obtain an advisable diminution in edema and inflammation; cornealinjury from chemical or thermal burns, or penetration of foreign bodies.
Otic: Steroid responsive inflammatory conditions of the external auditory meatus, such as allergic otitisexterna, selected purulent and nonpurulent infective otitis externa when the hazard of steroid use isaccepted to obtain an advisable diminution in edema and inflammation.