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Medrol is indicated in dogs and cats with conditions known to be responsive to anti-inflammatory corticosteroids, including collagen, dermal, allergic, ocular, otic and musculoskeletal, as well as various chronic or recurrent diseases (ulcerative colitis and nephrosis).
The indication for Medrol Tablets are the same as those for other anti-inflammatory steroids and comprise the various collagen, dermal, allergic, ocular, otic, and musculoskeletal conditions known to be repsonsive to the anti-inflammatory corticosteroids. Representative of the conditions in which the use of steroid therapy and the benefits to be derived therefrom have had repeated confirmation in the veterinary literature are:
In acute adrenal insufficiency, Medrol may be effective because of its ability to correct the defect in carbohydrate metabolism and relieve the impaired diuretic response to water characteristic of primary or secondary adrenal insufficiency. However, because this agent lacks significant mineralocorticoid activity, the parent hormones, SOLU-CORTEF® containing hydrocortisone sodium succinate, CORTEF® containing hydrocortisone, or cortisone should be used when salt retention is indicated.