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Sileo is the first FDA-approved treatment for dogs suffering from noise aversion, excessive fear, and anxiety caused by loud noises such as thunder and fireworks. It is clinically proven to be safe and effective without other treatments or training. Sileo is fast-acting and easy to administer orally between the cheek and gum. This breakthrough treatment does not sedate your pet, so there is no interference with normal activity or attentiveness. Sileo remains effective for up to 3 hours, and should be given immediately after your dog shows the first signs of fear and /or anxiety associated with fear, such as panting, trembling, trying to hide or escape, refusal to eat, salivation, or inappropriate urination and/or defecation.
Sileo is an oromucosal gel formulation of dexmedetomidine hydrochloride provided in a 3 ml syringe at a concentration of 0.1 mg/ml. Using the syringe, Sileo is easily administered between the cheek and gum, allowing for transmucosal absorption. Because Sileo is formulated to provide a low dose of dexmedetomidine, your dog remains calm, yet fully functional, and is able to interact normally with your family.
SILEO is indicated for the treatment of noise aversion in dogs.
Always provide the Client Information Sheet with Sileo and instruct the client hot to properly operate the Sileo dosing syringe (see Client Information Sheet for Owner/Handler Use and Safety).
To prevent accidental overdose, it is important to make sure that the ring-stop on the dosing syringe is in the locked position prior to administration.
Sileo is administered onto the oral mucosa between the dog's cheek and gum at the dose of 125 mcg/m2. The gel is absorbed through the oral mucosa and therefore it should NOT be swallowed. If the gel is swallowed, the product may not be effective. If the gel is swallowed, do not repeat the dose for at least two hours.
The following table provides the acceptable dosage for each weight range. Each dot (•) represents 0.25 mL of Sileo.
Each ml contains the equivalent to 0.1mg dexmedetomidine hydrochloride.
If the dose is more than 6 dots, divide the dose between both sides of the mouth. The first dose of Sileo should be administered approximately 30-60 minutes before the fear and/or anxiety-eliciting noise stimulus, immediately after the dog shows first signs of anxiety or fear related to noise, or when the owner detects a typical noise stimulus (e.g. sound of fireworks) eliciting anxiety or fear in the dog. Typical signs of anxiety and fear associated with noise aversion are panting, trembling, pacing, seeking people, trying to hide, trying to escape, freezing behavior, refusing to eat food or treats, inappropriate urination or defecation, and salivation.
Administering Sileo without use of the Sileo syringe will result in incorrect dosing, which may result in lack of efficacy or overdose.
Dosing should be performed by an adult. Impermeable disposable gloves should be worn when administering Sileo and when handling the Sileo syringe.
If noise lasts longer than 2-3 hours and the dog's signs of fear and/or anxiety reappear, another dose may need to be given. To avoid overdosing, there should always be at least two hours' pause between dosages. No more than 5 doses can be given during one noise event.
A partially used syringe can be used again within 4 weeks after initial opening, if there is enough gel for a complete dose for the dog. To minimize the risk of incorrect dosing, a partially used syringe that does not have enough gel for a complete dose should not be used.
Any unused product or waste material should be disposed of according to local law and Federal prescription drug disposal guidelines.
Federal law (USA) restricts this drug to use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian.
Do not use Sileo in dogs with severe cardiovascular, respiratory, liver or kidney disease, or in conditions of shock, severe debilitation, or stress due to extreme heat, cold or fatigue. Do not use in dogs with hypersensitivity to dexmedetomidine or to any of the excipients.
Human Safety: Not for human use. Keep out of reach of children.
Avoid administering the product if pregnant, as exposure may induce uterine contractions and/or decrease fetal blood pressure.
Appropriate precautions should be taken while handling and using filled syringes. Impermeable disposable gloves should be worn when handling the syringe, administering Sileo, or when coming in contact with the dog's mouth after application.
If skin is damaged, dexmedetomidine can be absorbed into the body. In case of skin contact, wash with soap and water. Remove contaminated clothing.
Sileo can be absorbed following direct exposure to skin, eyes, or mouth. In case of accidental eye exposure, flush with water for 15 minutes. If wearing contact lenses, eyes should be rinsed first, then remove contact lenses and continue rinsing, then seek medical advice immediately.
Accidental exposure may cause sedation and changes in blood pressure. In case of accidental exposure, seek medical attention immediately. Exposure to the product may induce a local or systemic allergic reaction in sensitized individuals.
This product contains an alpha-2 adrenoceptor agonist.
The safety data sheet (SDS) contains more detailed occupational safety information. To report adverse reactions in users or to obtain a copy of the SDS for this product call 1-888-963-8471.
Sileo should not be administered in the presence of pre-existing hypotension, hypoxia, or bradycardia. Sensitive dogs may experience a drop in body temperature and heart rate, and may appear sedated. These dogs should be kept warm and not offered food or water until Sileo's effects have worn off (usually within a few hours). Do not use in dogs sedated from previous dosing.
Sileo is not meant to be swallowed. Instead, it must be placed onto the mucosa between the dog's cheek and gum. If Sileo is swallowed, the product may not be effective. If Sileo is swallowed, do not repeat the dose for at least two hours. Feeding and giving treats within 15 minutes after administration should be avoided.
The use of other central nervous system depressants may potentiate the effects of Sileo.
As with all alpha-2 adrenoceptor agonists, the potential for isolated cases of hypersensitivity, including paradoxical response (excitation), exists.
Sileo has not been evaluated in dogs younger than 16 weeks of age or in dogs with dental or gingival diseases that could have an effect on Sileo's absorption. Sileo has not been evaluated for aversion behaviors to thunderstorms.
The safety and effectiveness of Sileo in breeding, pregnant, and lactating dogs has not been evaluated. Administration to pregnant dogs may induce uterine contractions and/or decrease fetal blood pressure.
Store unopened and opened syringes in the original package at controlled room temperature 20-25°C (68-77°F) with excursions permitted to 15-30°C (59-86°F). Use syringe contents within 4 weeks after opening the syringe.
This sheet summarizes the basic information about Sileo and does not replace the instructions from your veterinarian. Talk to your veterinarian if you have questions regarding any part of this information or if you want to know more about Sileo. The syringe must be used in order to correctly dose the drug to your dog. You may use either a full, unused syringe or a partially used syringe that contains enough gel for the desired dose.
SILEO must be administered oral transmucosally. If swallowed, it may not be effective because dexmedetomidine undergoes extensive first-pass metabolism.
The anxiolytic actions of SILEO are thought to be mediated through the locus coeruleus. The locus coeruleus is an area in the brainstem that mediates stress and anxiety, fear learning and memory. The locus coeruleus neurons have a large number of alpha-2 receptors, and the main neurotransmitter is norepinephrine. Exposure to stressors increases the release of norepinephrine from the locus coeruleus.
Dexmedetomidine, the active ingredient in SILEO, is a potent and selective alpha-2 adrenoceptor agonist. Dexmedetomidine binds to alpha-2 adrenoceptors in the locus coeruleus, inhibiting release of norepinephrine, which can lead to a reduction in anxiety and the associated behavioral signs.
Since using the SILEO syringe and administering SILEO oral transmucosally will be new for your clients, it is important that you or one of your staff members take a few minutes to show the client how to use the syringe. The administration instructions can be found in the package insert inside the SILEO carton or downloaded from
When speaking with your client about administration, it’s important to emphasize the following points: