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VISTA® 5 VL5 SQ is for the vaccination of healthy cows and heifers prior to breeding as an aid in the reduction of abortion due to infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR); as an aid in the prevention of fetal infection, including persistently infected calves caused by bovine virus diarrhea virus (BVD) (Types 1 & 2). Reproductive Duration of Immunity (DOI) has been demonstrated to be at least 217 days for IBR and at least 206 days for BVD (Types 1 & 2). In addition, it can be used as an aid in the prevention of disease caused by IBR, BVD (Type 2); and bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV), as an aid in the control of disease caused by BVD (Type 1), and parainfluenza3 virus (PI3), as an aid in reducing infertility (reproductive disease caused by Campylobacter fetus), and as an aid in preventing leptospirosis (caused by Leptospira canicola, L. grippotyphosa, L. hardjo - including the L. borgpetersenii serovar hardjo bovis, L. icterohaemorrhagiae, and L. pomona) and as an aid in prevention of urinary shedding of hardjo organisms. Respiratory Duration of Immunity (DOI) has been demonstrated to be at least 182 days for IBR, at least 206 days for BVD (Type 1), and at least 200 days for BVD (Type 2). Safe for use in pregnant heifers and cows or calves nursing pregnant cows provided the cows and heifers in the herd are vaccinated prior to breeding, within the previous 12 months, with any of the modified-live IBR and BVD containing vaccine(s) in this product line.
Permethrin 0.9%, Tetramethrin 0.25%, Pyrethrins 0.025%, Cypermethrin 0.1%, Piperonyl Butoxide 1.0%.
10 Doses - Rehydrate freeze dried vial of Vista® 5 SQ with accompanying vial of VL5 SQ. Mix reconstituted vial well.
50 Doses - Rehydrate freeze dried vial of Vista® 5 SQ with part of the accompanying vial of VL5 SQ using the transfer needle provided (see pictorial directions). Mix reconstituted vial well and transfer rehydrated vaccine into VL5 SQ vial using transfer needle. Remove transfer needle from VL5 SQ vial and mix reconstituted vial well. Peel label from bottle of Vista® 5 SQ and place on VL5 SQ vial containing all vaccine.
Use Directions: Inject 2.0 mL subcutaneously 14-60 days prior to breeding. Annual revaccination is recommended. A revaccination dose can be administered at more frequent intervals based upon individual farm disease risk assessment or any time epidemic conditions exist or are reported. Consult your veterinarian.
1. Insert needle beyond breather valve into the vial of lyophilized vaccine to remove vacuum.
2. Turn the vial of lyophilized vaccine upside down and fully insert needle into the sterile diluent bottle. Be sure to clear cap with breather valve.
3. Turn attached vial and bottle so the vial of lyophilized vaccine is underneath the sterile diluent bottle and squeeze enough sterile diluent into the vial of lyophilized vaccine to rehydrate the vaccine. Mix well.
4. Turn attached bottles so rehydrated vaccine is above the sterile diluent bottle. Squeeze air into rehydrated vaccine vial.
5. Squeeze and release the sterile diluent bottle until all the solution in the rehydrated vaccine vial drains into the sterile diluent bottle.
6. Separate the vial of lyophilized vaccine and needle from the sterile diluent bottle. Using the tab, remove the back of the vaccine vial label. Place the separated label over the sterile diluent bottle label to accurately identify the newly created solution.
Store at 2°-7°C (35°-45°F). Do not freeze. Use immediately after reconstitution; do not save partial contents. Burn containers and all unused product. Use only in healthy cattle. Do not vaccinate within 21 days before slaughter. Fetal health risks associated with vaccination of pregnant animals with modified live vaccines cannot be unequivocally determined by clinical trials conducted for licensure. Management strategies based on vaccination of pregnant animals with modified live vaccines should be discussed with a veterinarian. If allergic reaction occurs, treat with epinephrine. Contains penicillin and streptomycin as preservatives.