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Epizyme is a mixture of pancreatic enzymes that is FDA-approved for use in cats and dogs to treat exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (also known as maldigestion syndrome). It is prescribed for pets whose pancreas has stopped producing digestive enzymes. Pancreatic enzymes are necessary for digestion, so animals who don't make enough of these enzymes get very sick and can lose a lot of weight because they cannot properly digest and absorb the fat, protein, and sugar in their food. Epizyme requires a prescription from your veterinarian.
Epizyme replaces the pancreatic enzymes that the pancreas fails to produce when your pet suffers from exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. It is made up of three types of enzymes (lipase, protease, and amylase) that aid in digestion of fat, protein, and carbohydrates (sugar). It works because these natural enzymes, made from whole pig pancreas, mimic the pancreatic enzymes your pet is lacking. When the enzyme powder mixes with your pet's food, the enzymes begin to break down and work. Although exocrine pancreatic insufficiency is not yet curable, treating with pancreatic enzymes, such as Epizyme, can reduce the symptoms that occur with exocrine pancreatic insufficiency and can help your pet live a healthier life. Epizyme will begin working immediately to improve digestion after the first dose, but it will take a while before you'll see significant improvement in your pet's weight, stools, and coat. Once your pet needs Epizyme, he or she will likely have to continue taking Epizyme for the rest of his or her life.
As a digestive aid: replacement therapy where digestion of protein, carbohydrate and fat is inadequate due to exocrine pancreatic insufficiency.
View Epizyme Drug Facts Sheet.
Epizyme powder is added to moistened dog food (canned or dry). Thorough mixing is necessary to bring the enzymes into close contact with thefood particles. Allow this mixture to sit for five minutes before feeding. Incubation at room temperature for 15-20 minutes before feeding appears toenhance the digestive process. Frequent feeding, at least 3 times daily is important.
No one regimen will be successful for every patient. The above dosage should be adjusted according to the severity of the pancreatic exocrinedeficient and the weight of the animal. In cases of chronic insufficiency, the dosage should be increased until desired results are obtained.
Dosage should be increased until desired results are obtained.
Federal law restricts this drug to use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian
Pancreatitis is an important disease in the dog and cat. Disease of the pancreas has been classified into 4 distinctive categories; acute necroticpancreatitis; subacute or chronic pancreatitis; pancreatic fibrosis and collapse or atrophy of the acinar pancreatic tissue. Only acute and chronicpancreatitis is readily recognized clinically.
Dogs that acquire acute pancreatitis usually recover, but are subject to exacerbations of the chronic inflammatory process that may persist. Theacute lesion may not completely heal, and progressive destruction of the gland may take place over a period of months, even in the absence ofclinical signs.
Chronic pancreatitis is characterized by acute exacerbations of pancreatic inflammation that occur after the remission of acute pancreatitis. Signs ofthe disease are similar to those of acute pancreatitis but are usually less severe.
Steatorrhea, diarrhea, weight loss and increased appetite characterize the digestive impairment caused by failure of the pancreatic exocrinesecretion. Secretion ceases when the acinar tissue is destroyed in the course of chronic pancreatitis. This sequel does not become evident untilvirtually total destruction of the acinar pancreas has occurred, because as little as 12 to 20 percent of the exocrine pancreas can secrete enoughpancreatic juices to sustain digestion. Thus, digestive impairment is a relatively late event in the pathogenesis of chronic pancreatitis. Transientepisodes of fetid diarrhea may occur at the time of an acute exacerbation and may be caused by temporary reduction of pancreatic exocrinesecretion. However, food engorgement or the ingestion of fatty food often precipitates an exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis and the character of thefood, rather than the absence of pancreatic enzymes, may cause the diarrhea.
The veterinarian should not be too concerned about whether the pancreatic lesion is acute or chronic. His primary concern should be to recognizepancreatic inflammatory disease and begin treatment. The differentiation of acute and chronic pancreatitis is then made basis on history, and is ofimportance in advancing the prognosis.
Epizyme will replace pancreatic enzymes’ secretions after total pancreatectomy.
Discontinue use in animals with symptoms of sensitivity.
The most important aspect of the treatment of acute pancreatitis is initiation of vigorous therapy aimed at combating pain and shock, restoring bloodvolume, blood pressure and renal function, with reduction of pancreatic secretions and combating secondary infection of necrotic tissue. Animalssurviving and acute attack should be placed on a bland and easily digested diet and supplemented with Epizyme.In chronic pancreatitis, replacement therapy must be given for the duration of the animal’s life. Two to three feedings of a bland and easily digesteddiet containing sufficient quantities of good quality proteins and carbohydrates and low levels of fat are recommended. Epizyme is given with eachmeal at a dosage level sufficient to keep the feces normal.
Keep tightly closed in a cool, dry place.