BotVax-B for Horses - (10cc) - [Antibody Vaccine]
Item# 201210
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BotVax B prevents equine botulism due to Clostridium botulinum Type B which accounts for more than 85% of equine botulism cases. Neogen's BotVax B is a USDA approved vaccine for healthy horses that are exposed for risk factors such as baled hay, horses that travel, horses that get wounded or travel/reside in endemic areas. Horses and foals are susceptible to botulism and symptoms can progress quickly.
Key Benefits
- Clostridium botulinum type B accounts for more than 85% of botulism cases
- Affects both foals and adult horses
- Botulism spores are viable in soil for years
- Horses are exposed due to many risk factors
- USDA approved vaccine
How It Works
- Purified botulinum type B toxoid, aluminum phosphate absorbed
- Thimerosal (as preservative) 0.01%
- Formaldehyde (as inactivating solution) < 1.12%
BotVax B is a USDA approved monovalent vaccine (toxoid) for the prevention of equine botulism Type B due to Clostridium botulinum in healthy horses.
This product does not confer protection against other C. botulinum toxin types.
View BotVax-B Drug Facts Sheet.
Shake well before use.
- Inject 2 mL intramuscularly, using aseptic technique, at monthly intervals for a total of 3 doses.
- Booster annually with a single 2 mL intramuscular dose.
Research has demonstrated that pregnant mares immunized during the third trimester of gestation, with the third dose (booster) given 2-4 weeks before parturition, respond with antibody. This antibody is concentrated in colostrum and results in significant passively acquired antibody in normal suckling foals.
Do not vaccinate food-producing animals within 21 days of slaughter.Local reactions at the injection site, such as heat and minor swelling, may occur. Anaphylactic reactions may occur.
For veterinary use only. Not for human use. For animal use only. Keep out of reach of children.
Store unopened vials at 2°-7°C (35°-45°F). DO NOT FREEZE. Use the entire contents of the container when first opened. Do not store opened vials.
Anaphylactoid reactions may occur. Epinephrine is antidotal.
Clostridium botulinum Type B Toxoid Vaccine for Horses
Prevention is the best defense
- Botulinum toxins are among the most deadly toxins in the world.
- Horses are extremely sensitive compared to other species.
- Time is a critical factor due to the rapid and severe progression of this neuroparalytic disease.
- Vaccination is far less expensive than treatment, which can exceed $10,000 with no guarantee for survival.
Clostridium botulinum type B
- Accounts for more than 85% of equine botulism cases
- Strikes both adult horses and foals rapidly and is most often fatal
- Several studies place the mortality rate around 70%
- Produces spores in soils worldwide that remain viable for many years
- Closely related to Clostridium tetani, but is much more deadly
Risk factors
- Any baled hay (round, square, big or small), haylage or silage products
- Horses and foals that reside, in or travel to, endemic areas
- Horses that travel for shows, races, and other equine events
- Horses that may sustain a wound, including injection site abscesses, umbilical infections, puncture wounds, and castration sites
BotVax® B provides simple and safe protection against type B2 equine botulism
- The only USDA-approved3 vaccine for equine botulism
- Sold exclusively to licensed veterinarians since 1987
- Safe to administer to healthy adult horses, pregnant mares, and foals two weeks of age and older
- Three-dose initial series with single annual booster thereafter
- Protects against all modes of Type B equine botulism
- Forage poisoning
- Shaker foal syndrome (Toxicoinfectious botulism)
- Wound botulism
- Botulism is included in The American Association of Equine Practitioners Vaccination Guidelines