Vetameg (Flunixin Meglumine) Injectable for Horses & Cattle -, 50 mg/ml (250 ml) - [Pain & Inflammation Relief] | On Sale | EntirelyPets Rx
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Vetameg (Flunixin Meglumine) Injectable for Horses & Cattle -, 50 mg/ml (250 ml) - [Pain & Inflammation Relief]

Item# 21291632
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Vetameg injectable is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug used to treat joint and muscular pain in horses. Fast acting, it can begin to provide relief in as few as two hours, reducing lameness and swelling.

How It Works

Flunixin meglumine is used to relieve pain and inflammation in horses and cattle and for its antipyretic properties. Vetameg injectable is a part of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory class of drugs (NSAIDs). Flunixin persists in inflammatory tissues and is associated with anti-inflammatory properties which extend well beyond the period associated with detectable plasma drug concentration.


Horse: VetaMeg 50 mg/mL is recommended for the alleviation of inflammation and pain associatedwith musculoskeletal disorders in the horse. It is also recommended for the alleviation of visceral painassociated with colic in the horse.

Cattle: VetaMeg 50 mg/mL is indicated for the control of pyrexia associated with bovine respiratorydisease, endotoxemia and acute bovine mastitis. VetaMeg™ 50 mg/mL is also indicated for the controlof inflammation in endotoxemia.


Horse: The recommended dose for musculoskeletal disorders is 0.5 mg per pound (1 mL/100 lbs) ofbodyweight once daily. Treatment may be given by intravenous or intramuscular injection and repeatedfor up to five days. Studies show onset of activity is within 2 hours. Peak response occurs between 12and 16 hours and duration of activity is 24-36 hours.

The recommended dose for the alleviation of pain associated with equine colic is 0.5 mg per pound ofbodyweight. Intravenous administration is recommended for prompt relief. Clinical studies show pain isalleviated in less than 15 minutes in many cases. Treatment may be repeated when signs of colic recur.During clinical studies approximately 10% of the horses required one or two additional treatments. Thecause of the colic should be determined and treated with concomitant therapy.

Cattle: The recommended dose for control of pyrexia associated with bovine respiratory disease andendotoxemia and control of inflammation in endotoxemia is 1.1 to 2.2 mg/kg (0.5 to 1 mg/lb; 1 to 2 mLper 100 lbs) of bodyweight given by slow intravenous administration either once a day as a single doseor divided into two doses administered at 12 hour intervals for up to 3 days. The total daily dose shouldnot exceed 2.2 mg/kg (1.0 mg/lb) of bodyweight. Avoid rapid intravenous administration of the drug.

The recommended dose for acute bovine mastitis is 2.2 mg/kg (1.0 mg/lb: 2 mL per 100 lbs) ofbodyweight given once by intravenous administration.


Federal law restricts this drug to use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian.


Horse: There are no known contra-indications to this drug when used as directed. Intra-arterial injectionshould be avoided. Horses inadvertently injected intra-arterially can show adverse reactions. Signs canbe ataxia, incoordination, hyperventilation, hysteria and muscle weakness. Signs are transient anddisappear without antidotal medication within a few minutes. Do not use in horses showinghypersensitivity to flunixin meglumine.

Cattle: There are no known contraindications to this drug in cattle when used as directed. Do not use inanimals showing hypersensitivity to flunixin meglumine. Use judiciously when renal impairment orgastric ulceration are suspected.

Residue Warning:

Cattle must not be slaughtered for human consumption within 4 days of the last treatment. Milk that hasbeen taken during treatment and for 36 hours after the last treatment must not be used for food. Not foruse in dry dairy cows. A withdrawal period has not been established for this product in preruminatingcalves. Do not use in calves to be processed for veal. Not for use in horses intended for food.


As a class, cyclo-oxygenase inhibitory NSAIDs may be associated with gastrointestinal and renaltoxicity. Sensitivity to drug-associated adverse effects varies with the individual patient. Patients atgreatest risk for renal toxicity are those that are dehydrated, on concomitant diuretic therapy, or thosewith renal, cardiovascular, and/or hepatic dysfunction.

Since many NSAIDs possess the potential to induce gastrointestinal ulceration, concomitant use ofVetaMeg 50 mg/mL with other anti-inflammatory drugs, such as other NSAIDs and corticosteroids,should be avoided or closely monitored.

Horse: The effects of VetaMeg 50 mg/mL on pregnancy has not been determined. Studies todetermine activity of VetaMeg 50 mg/mL when administered concomitantly with other drugs have notbeen conducted. Drug compatibility should be monitored closely in patients requiring adjunctivetherapy.

Cattle: Do not use in bulls intended for breeding, as reproductive effects of VetaMeg 50 mg/mL inthese classes of cattle have not been investigated. NSAIDs are known to have potential effects on bothparturition and the estrous cycle. There may be a delay in the onset of estrus if flunixin is administeredduring the prostaglandin phase of the estrous cycle. The effects of flunixin on imminent parturition havenot been evaluated in a controlled study. NSAIDs are known to have the potential to delay parturitionthrough a tocolytic effect. Do not exceed the recommended dose.


Store between 2° and 30°C (36° and 86°F).

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