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VetOne Tylosin Powder is an antibiotic for used in chickens, turkeys, swine and honey bees. In an off label use, it is often given to dogs and cats to prevent tear staining.
Tylosin contains the ingredient, tylosin tartrate, which helps prevent the reproduction of bacteria.
View Tylosin Drug Facts Sheet.
Chickens and Turkeys: To assue thorough dissolution, place the Tylosin Soluble Powder (Contents of this jar or pouch) in a mixing container and add one gallon of water (3790 mL) to the material. Mix this concentrated solution with water to make 50 gallons (189 liters) of treated drinking water.
Swine: To assure thorough dissolution, place the Tylosin Soluble Powder (contents of this jar or pouch) in a mixing container and add one gallon of water (3790 mL) to the material. Mix this concentrated solution with water to make 400 gallons (1514 liters of treated dinkign water resulting in 250 mg/gallon
Mixing Directions For Water Medicating Pump (1:128 inclusion)* | |||
Species | Desired Concentration In Drinking Water (mg/gallon) | 100g Jars or 100g Pouch of Tylosin Soluble Powder | Gallons of Water to Make Stock Solution |
Chicken & Turkeys | 2,000 | 10 | 3.9 |
Swine | 250 | 1 | 3.1 |
*This table applies only if the water medicating pump is set to deliver 1 ounce of stock solution per gallon of drinking water.
Honey Bees: Mix 200mg tylosin in 20g confectioners/powdered sugar. Use immediately.
When directed to mix the product with water, always add the water to the powder. Do not pour the powder into the water. Prepare a fresh Tylosin Tartrate Soluble Powder solution every three days. When mixing and handling tylosin, use protective clothing and impervious gloves.
Chickens: should be treated for three days however, treatment may be administered for one to five days depending upon severity of infection. Treated chickens must consume enough medicated water to provide 50mg per pound of body weight per day. Only medicated water should be available to the birds.
Turkeys: should be treated for three days however, treatment may be administered for two to five days dewpending upon severity of infection. Treated turkeys must consume enough medicated water to provide 60 mg per pound pf body weight per day. Only medicated water should be available to the birds.
Swine: For the treatment and control of swine dysentery medicate with 250 mg tylosin per gallon in drinking water for 3 to 10 days, depending upon severity of infection. Alternatively, medicate with 250 mg tylosin per gallon in drinking water for 3 to 10 days, followed by 40 to 100 g tylosin per ton of complete feed (Type C medicated feed manufactured from tylosin phosphate Type A medicated article) for 2 to 6 weeks. For control of porcine proliferative enteropathies (PPE, ileitis) medicate with 250 mg tylosin per gallon in drinking water for 3 to 10 days, followed by 40 to 10 g of tylosin phosphate Type A medicated article) for 2 to 6 weeks. Swine must consume enough medicated water to provide a therapeutic dose. Only medicated water (250 mg tylosin per gallon ) should be available while medicating with Tylosin Soluble Powder.
Honey Bee Colonies: should receive three treatments administered as a dust in confectioners/powdered sugar. The 200 mg dose is applied (dusted) over the top bars of the brood chamber once weekly for 3 weeks.
Federal law (USA) restricts this drug to use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian.
Adverse reactions, including shock and death may result from over-dosage in baby pigs.
No side effects have been reported.Talk to your veterinarian about any side effect that seems unusual or bothersome to your pet.
User Safety Warnings: Avoid contact with human skin. Exposure to tylosin may cause a rash.
Residue Warnings: Chickens must not be slaughtered for food within 24 hours after treatment. Turkeys must not be slaughtered for food within five days after treatment. Swine must not be slaughtered for food within 48 hours after treatment. Do not use in layers producing eggs for human consumption. Honey Bees: The drug should be fed early in the spring or fall and consumed by the bees before the main honey flow begins, to avoid contamination of production honey. Complete treatments at least 4 weeks prior to main honey flow.