Hyvisc for Horses - (hyaluronate sodium) Injection (11mg/mL, 2mL) - [Joint Support] | On Sale | EntirelyPets Rx
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Hyvisc for Horses - (hyaluronate sodium) Injection (11mg/mL, 2mL) - [Joint Support]

Item# IWM018847
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HYVISC frees horses from the binds of osteoarthritis through a combination of high molecular weight, viscosity, and purity. HYVISC is recommended for treatment of joint dysfunction in horses due to non-infectious synovitis associated with equine osteoarthritis.

Key Benefits

  • HYVISC is a clear, colorless, viscous fluid contained in a 5 mL disposable syringe, as a single 2 mL dose.
  • Larger calibrated syringe for easier handling.
  • Contains 22 mg (11 mg per mL) of hyaluronate sodium.
  • Maintains viscoelasticity and lubrication properties similiar to naturally occuring synovial fluid.

How It Works

Hyaluronate sodium is a natural constituent of connective tissue and synovial fluid in both man and animals. In synovial fluid, hyaluronate sodium confers viscoelastic as well as lubricating properties. In connective tissue, hyaluronate sodium specifically interacts with cartilage proteoglycans to form stable aggregates.


Hyvisc (hyaluronate sodium) Injection is recommended for the treatment of joint dysfunction in horses due to non-infectious synovitis associated with equine osteoarthritis.


The recommended dose of Hyvisc(hyaluronate sodium) Injection is 2 mL (22 mg) given to horsesintra-articularly in small and medium-sized joints (carpal,fetlock). In larger joints (hock), the dosage is 4 mL (44 mg).Treatment may be repeated at weekly intervals for a total ofthree treatments. As with any intra-articular injection, aseptictechnique is used. The following are suggested use directionsregardless of the type of joint to be treated.

  1. Carefully diagnose each case using routine methods. Theorigin of lameness should be pinpointed to be within aspecific joint or joints (e.g., lameness is localized to a specificjoint using intra-articular anesthesia). Radiographs or otherdiagnostic aids should not reveal recent fractures or otherserious abnormalities which would suggest a poor prognosis.
  2. Aseptically remove as much synovial fluid from the afflictedjoint as can be easily withdrawn.
  3. Remove tip cap from the Hyvisc syringe and inject througha sterile needle, 20 gauge or larger.
  4. Inject a single 2 mL dose (one syringe) of Hyvisc into eachjoint to be treated; if the joint being treated is the hock joint,inject 4 mL (two syringes). Since Hyvisc is a viscous fluid,care should be exercised on injection so as not to dislodgethe needle from the syringe.
  5. Two or four days of rest or light exercise is recommendedbefore resumption of normal activity. Improvement of jointfunction should be seen within one to two weeks after HyviscInjection.

As with any intra-articular injection, a mild inflammatoryresponse (tenderness, heat and swelling) may be seen in thejoint following the Hyvisc Injection. This response is self-limiting,but may last from two to five days after treatment.

If inflammation is excessive or severe, the possibility ofinfection should be considered and appropriate antibiotictherapy instituted.


Federal law restricts this drug to use by or on the orderof a licensed veterinarian.


There are no known contraindicationsto the use of Hyvisc (hyaluronate sodium) Injection.


Do not use in horses intended for human consumption.Hyvisc (hyaluronate sodium) Injection must not be administeredintravascularly.


Used or partially used syringes should be crushedand disposed of in an appropriate landfill.

Do not use if numerous small air bubbles are present throughoutthe solution.

Adverse Reactions:

In the clinical trial with Hyvisc (hyaluronatesodium) Injection, a mild, transient post-injection inflammatoryresponse in the joint was reported in 12% of the cases treated.There were no other side effects.

Safety Margin in Horses:

In toxicity studies of Hyvisc (hyaluronatesodium) Injection in horses, intra-articular doses at one, three,and five times the recommended dose once weekly for threeconsecutive weeks did not result in any drug related local orsystemic toxic effects. The mild, transient post-injection inflam -matory response observed within the joints of some horses wasqualitatively and quantitatively similar to that detected in thephysiologic saline injected controls. In a reproductive study inmares, 16 mL of Hyvisc (10 mg/mL) injected intramuscularly orsubcutaneously once or twice during the second or third stageof pregnancy resulted in no adverse effects on the mares ornewborn foals.


Store under refrigerated conditions, 2°-8°C (36°-46°F).Protect from freezing and avoid excessive heat.


Hyvisc (Hyaluronate Sodium) Injection is for the treatment of joint dysfunction in horses due to non-infectious synovitis associated with equine osteoarthritis.
Treats joint dysfunction in horses due to osteoarthritis -Maintains viscoelasticity and lubrication properties similiar to naturally occuring synovial fluid -Larger calibrated syringe for easier handling -Contains 22 mg (11 mg per mL) of hyaluronate sodium
Hyaluronate sodium is a natural constituent of connective tissue and synovial fluid in both man and animals. In synovial fluid, hyaluronate sodium confers viscoelastic as well as lubricating properties. In connective tissue, hyaluronate sodium specifically interacts with cartilage proteoglycans to form stable aggregates.
There are no known contraindications to the use of Hyvisc (hyaluronate sodium) Injection. As with any intra-articular injection, a mild inflammatory response (tenderness, heat and swelling) may be seen in the joint following the Hyvisc Injection. This response is self-limiting, but may last from two to five days after treatment. If inflammation is excessive or severe contact your Veterinarian.
Warnings : Do not use in horses intended for human consumption. Hyvisc (hyaluronate sodium) Injection must not be administered intravascularly. Precautions : Used or partially used syringes should be crushed and disposed of in an appropriate landfill. Do not use if numerous small air bubbles are present throughout the solution.
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